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Ticket prices Firebirds Festival 04.07. - 06.07.2025

coming soon

Tix Earlybird
01.to 30.09.2024
12:00 Uhr (no PayPal, only bank transfer)
Pre sales
12:00 Uhr (no PayPal, only bank transfer)
Box office
Friday 44 € 49 € 55 €
Saturday 49 € 54 € 60 €
Sunday 19 € 24 € 30 €
3 Days 89 € 99 € 110 €
Camping fee per person no breakfast 19 € 24 € 30 €
Camping fee per person incl. breakfast
Sa + Su
43 € 48 € 54 €
Vehicle fee per (Caravan/Camper/Car)
39 € 44 € 50 €
Dancecamp 89 € 99 € 110 €
Children up to 12 years have free entry.

Dance camp participants are allowed to shower free of charge on the campsite. Camping is not included in the dance camp. Our dance camp team will give you shower tokens which you can use to shower at the campsite.

The camping option per person is the access authorization per person to the campsite for 3 nights (04/07/2025 to 07/07/2025) on the Muldenwiese including toilet and shower in containers. The tent is not charged extra. The campsite will be guarded by our security until 8 a.m. on July 7th, 2025 and you can still use the toilets, showers and disposal facilities until 11 a.m.

Option camping fee per person including breakfast Saturday and Sunday includes: Rich camper breakfast buffet Saturday and Sunday, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the monastery tavern: filter coffee, selection of teas, water, fresh rolls, selection of sausage and cheese, fruit and vegetables, homemade jam , honey, chocolate cream, boiled egg from the region (breakfast single price €12 p.p./day)

If you sleep in a motorhome, caravan, car, etc., please book the vehicle fee option (Camper/Caravan/Car) separately for each vehicle (everything that has a license plate). If you would like to have additional vehicles on the campsite (trailers, motorcycles, etc.), please also book the vehicle fee for each vehicle (Camper/Caravan/Car).
There is no additional electricity at the campsite.

The tent is not charged extra. If you sleep in a motorhome, caravan, car, etc., please book the vehicle fee option (Camper/Caravan/Car) separately for each vehicle (everything that has a license plate). If you would like to have additional vehicles on the campsite (trailers, motorcycles, etc.), please also book the vehicle fee for each vehicle (Camper/Caravan/Car). There is no additional electricity at the campsite.

Your Firebirds